Drug addiction can quickly tear apart a person’s life, damaging personal and professional relationships much faster than alcohol addiction, for example. Because drug use is not considered to be socially acceptable in public, users are quickly marginalized and begin hiding what they are doing. This leads to increased stress, manipulation, and disenfranchisement. Without help, it can be extremely difficult to come back from this dark place.
“You do anything long enough to escape the habit of living until the escape becomes the habit.” –David Ryan
The addiction experience feels very personal and misunderstood for many drug users. However at Inneractions our drug counselors and therapists are incredibly skilled at earning the trust needed to gain insight into a person’s specific struggle. Our clients quickly learn that they are with professionals who can advocate for them, who offer unconditional love and support, and most importantly who can show them a clear path to a clean, healthy life.
Preparing for PAWS
All of us in the Inneractions family recognize how difficult it is to go through Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), which are the physiological and psychological effects of drugs/alcohol abuse. The symptoms can last from 6 days to 18 months after the beginning of abstinence. Common symptoms that we help our clients manage during early recovery are:
- An inability to think clearly
- An inability to successfully manage stress
- Memory problems
- Sleep disturbances
- Impaired physical coordination
- Emotional sensitivity or numbness
Our skilled staff provide the necessary care and guidance to help individuals through the process of early recovery successfully and safely. Throughout the Inneractions Program clients are held accountable during the program with weekly random 12 panel drug screening.