We believe that self-sufficiency and a purposeful future are crucial to the recovery process. As our clients progress through the Inneractions program and begin to envision a life without drugs or alcohol, we’re preparing them to re-enter the workforce or attend college with readiness, clarity and confidence..
Each client has the opportunity to work with our certified career counselor to uncover their hidden talents, develop skills, and prepare the assets they’ll need to relaunch their professional or educational careers. For those who are ready to work we provide a highly successful job placement service.
A New Direction
A Future of Meaningful Work
Individuals who have been through recovery at Inneractions are some of the most passionate people in the world and make extremely valuable contributions both in the workplace and in the community. It’s our pleasure to guide them through the process of relaunching their professional or educational careers and to watch them become the amazing human beings they were meant to be.